Heroes of New York
Heroes of New York
#14 Jonathan Angelilli, Fiona Stokes - Energy medicine for healthcare heroes
Fiona Stokes, Assistant Nurse Manager and healthcare hero, contracts the COVID herself after nursing several patients infected by the virus. This is the story of how Jonathan Angelilli, an energy medicine practitioner used Qingong - an ancient form of energy medicine - to heal Fiona and is helping many other healthcare workers in NYC for free. Jonathan is a hero to healthcare workers, like Fiona, who are working day and night to heal COVID patients while putting their own lives at risk. Jonathan and Fiona also share a beautiful connection, one which they share with our listeners right at the end of this conversation!
Jonathan Angelilli is a New Yorker, personal wellness expert, pioneer of holistic fitness, and 2x American Ninja Warrior (NBC). He’s been empowering students through health movement for 20 years, has a Bachelor of Science from NYU and a minor in Gender Studies, as well as thirteen fitness certifications. Jonathan completed a 3 year program in Medical Qigong through the Institute of Traditional Medicine (Toronto) in 2016 and has been featured as fitness and tai chi expert on network television (ABC, FOX), is a published author (Harper Collins).
Qigong is an ancient form of energy medicine that uses mindful movement, touch, and sound to heal the body-mind.
Jonathan runs free energy medicine classes for NYC health care workers and first responders. The program is called Energy Medicine for Heroes. Since April, he has raised over $5,003 and offered over 100 free sessions to health care heroes.
Fiona Stokes is an Assistant Nurse Manager, with over 30 years of work experience, at a large health care facility. She assists with the management of a 33 bed Medical unit and a 12 bed Ventilator unit. She has received numerous awards and recognition throughout her career.
Read more about Jonathan's work - Energy Medicine for Heroes