Heroes of New York
A podcast about exceptional people who are rising above the odds to help others. Every episode features an inspiring story mostly from NYC and occasionally from around the globe. If you know someone in your community who is a hero and has a story worth sharing please reach me at info@anusenan.com
Heroes of New York
#19 Marian Hutchins - The Father's Heart Ministries - Spreading hope and cheer
Anu Senan
Season 1
Episode 19
The Father's Heart Ministries is located in the East Village, New York City. For the past 23 years, they have been running a soup kitchen and open food pantry serving the hungry and homeless. During the pandemic they have been a respite to many in this part of the city. In this episode, I speak with Marian Hutchins, the Executive Director of the Father's Heart Ministries. She shares her experiences from moving to New York and the East Village in the 80s when drugs and violence was the norm and her experiences working with the needy and the poor. Tune in to listen to a story full of compassion and humanity.
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